What are our swimming checklist?

On 20150814, I am grateful for swimming at ~ 7am with lifeguards. The condominiums of little prince’s Godparents and Javier’s father have no lifeguards.

The 20150814 and 20150923 #pandaChecklist:

  1. Prepare hot meals (e.g. cook overnight soup the night before / porridge / steam desserts)
  2. Apply sun blocks because honey panda said he prefers a lady with pale complexion.
  3. Remove jewellery (if any).
  4. Switch on shower heater.
  5. Bring goggles + shower cap.
  6. Bring key and access card.
  7. Bring a towel / a bath robe to wrap your body after swim.
  8. Inform a family member that we / I go for a swim, and will update her once we are done.

The 20180420 and 20180927 #pandaChecklist:

  1. swimming trunk for Little Prince
  2. swimsuit for Happy Green Panda
  3. swimming goggles for Little Prince + Happy Green Panda
  4. swimming cap
  5. arm floats for Little Prince
  6. sunblocks
  7. water
  8. food (snacks e.g. bananas, biscuits)
  9. selfie stick (especially when we are exploring a new swimming pool)
  10. camera phone to take photos
  11. plastic bags (1 for wet swimsuits + towels, 1 for wet armfloats)
  12. towels
  13. underwear
  14. comb
  15. eyebrow pencil
  16. spectacle case to put my glass spectacles when I am swimming with googgles so nobody will accidentally crack onto it!
  17. toiletries (if not provided)
  18. if possible, put our wallet and cards in safe places e.g. locker, friend’s apartment
    ziplock bag to put our mobile phone
  19. umbrella if I need to wait for Little Prince under the hot sun
  20. wet wipes to clean hand before snacking
  21. bath robe (e.g. for the windy Sun or Sky Towers)


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